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Yoga Devotion Dance Teacher Training

data: 21 - 27 maggio 2018
ora: 10:00 - 18:00
presso: Oratorio Di Framura
indirizzo: Costa Di Framura - Framura (SP)
descrizione: Danzare con devozione al corpo e la sua espressione con la natura.
"God respects us when we work, but He loves us when we dance." Rumi.
Si dice che l'uomo abbia danzato prima di parlare. Tutte le culture hanno i propri rituali di danza. La danza e sempre stata la prima forma di devozione e gratitudine alla natura e agli dei.

Yoga come danza e molto di piu che semplice esercizio fisico.
E' un modo olistico per crescere di consapevolezza su tutti i livelli: fisico, mentale, emotivo e spirituale.
La danza come devozione e lo scopo di questo corso, in cui le partecipanti saranno invitate ad una esperienza interiore completa. Non e necessario saper ballare o creare coreografie eccezionali.
La cosa piu importante e essere presenti!
Una danza genuina da cuore a cuore.

And along with Yoga a conscious attempt to integrate all levels of our existence with the philosophy that had its origin in India. In a sensual way appreciate nature, in a loving way celebrate our history and in an original way appreciate our body.
This program is suitable for anyone who is looking for a better quality of life. This course is suitable for yoga teachers, yoga practitioners, dance and life lovers.
This course is certified by Yoga Alliance India.

About the course program:
All content of the course will be presented in a theoretical way, explained and experienced too.
The whole course is designed to give the person the instruments to develop his own practice and teach or help future students.
Everybody will receive a certificate of participation.
The destinations and directions of the transformation process:
* Teaching methodology and practice development.
* The history of dance and its rhythms
* Introduction to personality and senses (In a vision of the psychology of Yoga and Ayurveda)
. In-depth study of the chakras and their archetypes in the emotions and functioning of the body.
. Creativity and art creation.devotion.performance
* The philosophy of Yoga (yamas and niyamas, shadhana, ashtanga yoga, meditation)
* The dance of Shakti and Shiva
* Mantras and rhythms for the soul
* Sequences of yoga postures
* Dance sequences for the inner goddess
. Anatomical Position
. Plans
. Axes
. Movements
. Principles of Developmental Kinesiology
. Neurophysiology of postural maturation and locomotor system
. Working with the inner voice through vocal preparation
. Mudras dance in union with the dance
. The relationship man and woman, vibrations and the body
. Anatomy of Power and the Ego
* Classroom preparation and marketing.

The course gives:
. Theoretical material
. Specialized Bibliography
. Videos with choreography
. Shakti kit

About the teacher and the founder method Franciane Santos:
She has been practicing Dance for 6 years as Devotion.
Religion started her spiritual journey as Wiccan in her beloved land Brazil. From a very young age she created groups with friends and organized small dance performances to present at school or in the family. She did belly dancing, capoeira dance, samba, tango. At the age of 15, she learned about Yoga through the method of Rose in Brazil, with the practice of meditation.
In 2005 she began her studies in alternative encounters and was a craftsman (therapeutic macrame with uses of crystals and mantras) performed street performances with tribal dance. In 2008 she founded tango teacher Elena Gonsalez the dance and puppet company "Varie Tango".
In 2011 she graduated as a yoga teacher and is constantly going to India to deepen her studies in yoga, devotional dance and Ayurveda.
e-mail: contatta
telefono: 3489151065
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